Illustration of a vintage train and a modern train with the text
Outdoor clock and wooden pergola structure near a railroad track with a brick building and a pedestrian bridge in the background on a sunny day.

Save Acworth History Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of our city and the community of Acworth, GA. Our goal is to collect video histories, photos and artifacts that reflect our history as a railroad town, a mill town, and the center of an agricultural community. These will be displayed and available daily in the downtown Depot Park History Center.

The Depot Park History Center is located on South Main Street in historic Acworth, GA. Depot number four is being built as part of a downtown park on the site where a railroad depot served the community for over 125 years. Depot Park houses a history center featuring a kiosk with videos detailing the history of Acworth and remembrances of many citizens collected by the Save Acworth History Foundation in its video history series. On display are the original freight scales from the 1893 depot, many artifacts donated, and oral history videos by long-time Acworth residents.

The Save Acworth History Foundation Video History Series is dedicated to recording histories of Acworth residents as part of an overall effort to document the city’s history. Dr. Thomas Scott, Professor Emeritus of History at Kennesaw State University, is graciously donating his time and expertise to the project. A professional videographer is engaged by the foundation to digitally record and edit the interviews and provide the foundation with both full length and highlight versions to disseminate to the public. 

4794 South Main Street
Acworth, GA 30101